Orlo Vista
Orlo Vista is proud of its history as one of Orange County’s distinct communities. This community was once an incorporated town along Old Winter Garden Road between Hiawassee Road and Pine Hills Road. The area is home to a chamber of commerce and hall, two elementary schools, a great county park, post office and Orange County’s first volunteer fire department – most with Orlo Vista’s name and all within close proximity. Above all, Orlo Vista values what gives the community its true identity – the people who live there.
(meets in conjunction with the OV Chamber of Commerce)
38 S. Hastings Street
Orlando, FL 32835
The 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 7:00 pm
All are welcome to participate in the exchange of ideas, concerns, education and community fellowship.
To promote a neat well-kept, clutter and litter free, clean and attractive neighborhood.
To share information, that can affect our daily lives, from our local County and State Governments.
To promote the positives within our community and to develop COMMUNITY PRIDE among our new RESIDENTS and revive that PRIDE in our long time RESIDENTS.
To encourage and to respect each other in this very diverse neighborhood, as we ALL, work together with our Government Officials, Code Enforcement, Sheriff, Fire Department, School Administrators, etc.
We are sponsored by Orange County Neighborhood Preservation & Revitalization Office
Do I have to come to the meetings?
The short answer is “no”, but coming to a meeting gives you an opportunity to meet your neighbors and hear from experts in a number of fields. You will also have a chance to speak directly with Orange County Neighborhood Services and Orange County Sheriff’s Deputies (often the Sector Captain).
Does volunteering take a lot of time?
Helping with a project does not have to take a long time. You can call a vendor to get a price quote, you can change messages on a reader board sign, you can help gather petitions for speed humps on your street, or maybe write an article for the newsletter. With Safe Neighborhoods, you can spend your time on an issue that is important to you.
No matter the effort, can you make a difference?
Orlo Vista Zip code 32835 ranks 76 out of 91 Central Florida zip codes.
It is always a matter of perception. We must THINK and be POSITIVE about OUR neighborhood. We are very fortunate; the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, the County Commissioners, and Our Residents have helped improve the overall well being of our neighborhood.
Orlo Vista United Safe Neighborhood Welcomes You!! This past year Orlo Vista United Safe Neighborhood has supported and accomplished some great things – and this coming year promises to be even more fulfilling. The only thing that could make our group better is you! Please contact us at orlovusn@gmail.com to find out how you can access resources available through the Safe Neighborhood program. |
Brian Harris, Chair
James Carson, Vice Chair
Sharon Thomas, Secretary
Kumarie Baboolall, Treasurer
Deborah Ryan, Director
Rebecca Sennott, Director
Lervesca Williams, Director